What is Hilm?

Hilm or حلم.

A word that encapsulates what it means to be in complete control of one's thoughts, desires and mind. A word that means much more than patience. More than perseverence. 

It is enduring through the hardest of challenges without complaining.

It is the persistent striving towards one's goals despite the obstacles.

It is the restraint and composure during both festivities and calamities.

It is the complete and utter discipline of ones emotions.

It is the ability to control your ego, and not let it control you.

The ability to take charge of your ego, to enter a state of self-consciousness and God-consciousness, To have a heart full of impenetrable faith, so that you can achieve the pinnacles of success in this life and the next; in Deen and Dunya.

It is forbearance. Forbearance is what Hilm-Wear is about. We are more than just a luxury clothing brand. Our vision supersedes garments. Our vision is to foster and empower the young adults of today’s complacent, impatient, ambitionless, spiritually-disconnected, and purposeless world to reconnect with a community that will support the strengthening and sharpening of your body, soul and mind. Our garments are not just pieces of cloth. They are constant reminders of the importance of mastering the essence of HILM, and to navigate life’s difficulties with unwavering faith in yourself and in God.

Join Hilm-Wear on our journey of attempting to be physical manifestations of the very spirit of HILM.


Actively working to exhibit…